JAKARTA China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) plans to launch two reusable or reusable large rockets. These two rockets will be launched in the next few years.

Quoting from theSpacenews report, the two four- and five-meter diameter rockets will go through the testing process first. China's People's Congress representative, Wang Wei, also said that each rocket would be tested in 2025 and 2026.

Wang did not explain the type of rocket that has the reusable capability. However, CASC is known to be developing a new vehicle called the Long March 10. Reportedly, this rocket will be used to launch the latest generation of spacecraft.

This 29-meter-long rocket will be an important component of the astronaut's launch mission to the Moon before 2030. Reportedly, China's largest rocket is capable of launching payloads weighing 27 tons into trans-month orbit.

Meanwhile, the four-meter-diameter launcher is thought to be the rocket proposed by Shanghai Space Aviation Technology Academy (SAST), part of the CASC. The name of the proposed rocket is not yet known.

This unnamed vehicle is capable of launching a cargo weighing 6,500 kilograms into solar synchronous orbit (SSO). The vehicle will use an engine component developed by Jiuzhou Yunjian, a Chinese machine maker.

SAST also plans to launch the Long March 12 rocket by the end of this year. This rocket is not as big as Long March 10 because its diameter is only 3.8 meters. The plan, Long March 12 will be launched from a new commercial launch site.

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