JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Informatics continues to identify hoax news and disinformation related to the coronavirus or COVID-19 outbreak. At least 179 hoaxes have been identified by Kominfo in the social media universe in the country.
Hundreds of hoaxes spread throughout Indonesian society are considered to be disturbing public order and disturbing. In fact, Kominfo has brought five hoax cases around the corona virus to the legal realm.
"Because the case has been overdone, so whoever designs the hoax news wants to create an atmosphere that is not conducive, so we immediately proceed," said Director General of Applications and Informatics of Kominfo, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan when contacted by VOI.
The man who is familiarly called Semmy said that hoaxes circulating in the community are often associated with various things, one of which is mystical and illuminati. This has become more prevalent since the number of corona virus patients continues to grow.
Indeed, the Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G Plate, has appealed to the public and netizens to participate in monitoring the spread of information about the Corona virus. Plate said, Kominfo would not hesitate to impose maximum fines for hoax information spreaders.
"The law already regulates sanctions for spreading hoaxes, there are criminal sanctions, material sanctions (fines). The penalty is six years, the material is almost one billion. We Kominfo have coordinated with the Indonesian police to take law enforcement actions," said Plate some time ago .
Kominfo calls on the public, if they get information that is suspected of being hoax, disinformation or fake news, they can report it to aduankonten.id, WhatsApp messages at number 0811 922 4545 or email at aduankonten@mail.kominfo.go.id.
Here are some hoax news related to the corona virus circulating in the community:
1. Note from the Office for the Management of Corona Virus Suspect Patients at the Bengkalis Hospital
2. Consumption of Pigs Cause the Entry of the Corona Covid-19 Virus to Jakarta
3. Corona Has Arrived at Leuwiliang Hospital
4. Chinese tourists are not included in the list of prohibition of entry and transit to Indonesia
5. Some Animals Die Suddenly in Cibarusah (Bekasi) Due to Corona
6. Captain in Tanjung Priok indicated Corona
7. Two Corona Suspect Residents in Klaten
8. Patients from Angsana Suspect Corona at Ulin Hospital, Banjarmasin
9. Patients at Pasar Rebo Hospital are Positive for Corona Virus
10.Meuraxa Hospital Has Corona Virus Patients
11. Residents of Pamekasan Suspected of Corona Virus
12. Residents of Kaliajir are Positive Corona Virus
13. A Woman Infected with Corona Virus in Kupang, NTT
14. 7 West Kalimantan Residents Rejected at PLBN Entikong because of Corona Virus
15. People with Blood Type O are More Vulnerable to Infection with Corona Virus
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