YOGYAKARTA In today's era, building an energy-efficient house seems to be starting to become a lifestyle. This step is taken to minimize the use of electrical energy. Not only has an impact on spending, knowing how to create energy-efficient houses also helps maintain a better environment.

In general, creating an energy-efficient house is done by maximizing natural lighting from sunlight. To achieve this, the owner of the house can follow the following methods.

Too many barriers at home have an impact on lighting. The more barriers, the more electricity needs to be installed. Therefore, try to minimize the barrier in the house. Minimizing the barrier is also one of the tips for creating a minimalist house feels wider.

Houses with high ceilings make the air in the room cooler so that the use of air conditioning or fans can be minimized. On the other hand, low ceiling makes the air in the room hotter. When this condition occurs, the occupants of the house will choose to turn on the fan or air conditioner as often as possible.

The window has a big role in entering sunlight and air. Try to really pay attention to the direction and number of windows in one house. If the position and number are correct, the house will be brighter from morning to evening so that the use of the lights can be minimized.

Ventilation functions as an entry and exit of air. Ventilation also determines the temperature inside the house. Before installing ventilation, calculate the amount, direction, and shape of ventilation. Avoid too small ventilation. The right ventilation installation helps residents to turn on the temperature depletion electronic device.

The water reservoir position also determines the flow of water coming out of the tap. The tap water that is not too heavy sometimes makes the home owner forced to install a driving pump. The installation certainly has an impact on the use of daily electricity. To avoid this, install water reservoirs with sufficient height.

Election of electronic devices also has an impact on daily electricity consumption. Try to choose electrically efficient electronic devices ranging from lights, air conditioning, refrigerators, TV, water pumps, and many more.

Plants help cool the area of the house. This condition also helps homeowners stay at home in the room even without air conditioning or fans. Try to grow enough plants in the home area without blocking the sunlight that enters the house. Follow the trick of arranging a simple home garden to cool and look luxurious.

In addition to how to create energy-efficient houses, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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