How To Enable Gmail Secret Mode On Web And Mobile, Try It Now!
Illustration of Gmail (photo: Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA How to activate Gmail's secret mode on the web is quite easy. You can do this by clicking the'secret message' available in the 'Tulis Message' menu. Especially for administrators, you need to go to the Google admin console to enable Gmail's secret mode. For more information, see the following article.

Gmail's secret mode is a feature that allows users to send emails with certain controls. With this feature, users can prevent recipients from downloading, forwarding, copying, or printing confidential message files sent.

It's not enough, users can also set an expiration date for sensitive emails and revoke access to the message at any time.

Please note, although the secret mode helps prevent recipients from downloading sensitive information, it does not prevent recipients from taking screenshots or photos of messages or attachments. In addition, recipients can also still copy or download messages sent by utilizing malicious programs installed on computer devices.

To be able to enable gmail secret mode via web, pay attention to the following steps:

Please note, this method only applies to personal account email. For users who act as administrators, you can follow the following steps to be able to enable Gmail's secret mode via the web:

For the record, for organizational units, follow the same steps, but select the 'Organization Unit' in the user suit first.

How to activate Gmail's secret mode via mobile is also very easy. This method can be applied to Android and iOS-based phones. Here are the steps:

It should be noted, if the user selects No SMS code', the recipient who uses the Gmail application can immediately open the message. Recipients who do not file Gmail will get an email containing a code.

However, if the user selects Sexcode code, the recipient will receive the code via SMS. Make sure you enter the recipient's phone number, not your own number.

That's the information on how to activate Gmail's secret mode on the web and cellphone. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.

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