AI Tools For Digital Marketing To Keep Business Growing
Illustration of artificial intelligence (doc. Pixabay)

YOGYAKARTA It is appropriate for your business to penetrate the digital world. To launch it, there are several AI tools for digital marketing. These tools are quite helpful in sales so that it has an impact on business and company development.

As is known, Artificial Intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence can be utilized in digital marketing. The use of AI is usually focused on promotional activities, product recognition, and other purposes related to marketing activities.

Digital marketing with AI is mostly done on social media such as Instagram, TikTok, and even YouTube. In addition, it is also used on websites or marketplaces. Here are some AI tools that help digital marketing activities.

Digital marketing uses GPT Chat for various marketing purposes such as making copywriters, captions, content ideas, and so on.

AI coopy are useful for making digital materials for social media, websites, ads, and so on, especially those related to text material.

AI Dall-E 2 is useful for digital marketing activities, especially in preparing image illustrations. Users simply include the description of text format images, AI will process the description that is included into an interesting illustration.

Digital marketing activities can be carried out with Lumen5 video AI. With this tool you don't need a video editor.

Marketing can analyze customer interaction data automatically with AI. In addition is also able to estimate transactions that may occur in a data-based future.

AI Headline Studio is useful for maximizing SEO strategies, especially on the headline. With these tools, Google can read the business optimally.

No need to bother doing product photos with various backgrounds. With AI, you can change the product background so that the appearance is more attractive.

One way to promote digital is with a website. No need to bother designing a website, you can take advantage of AI Uizard so that your website design is more attractive in a short time without a lot of money.

Business owners have certainly had difficulties in choosing influencers who are suitable for promoting products. AI Influengency will help business owners choose influencers who match your business data.

AI can help business owners to sort data and patterns of habits carried out by customers so that they can create suitable advertisements and products.

This AI Chatbot helps answer customer questions in real-time. Robotic mestki, a communication pattern that is built is natural enough to make it more humane.

AI Zapier helps you monitor all conversations to traceable brand mention in digital media. The data can be used for campaign materials.

Netray's naturalness helps business owners to process millions of existing data and then convert them into graphics so that they are more compact and easy to read.

GrowthBar's AI can provide keyword suggestions, word counts, links, and image selection for your digital marketing activities.

No need to bother collecting data manually from digital platforms because you can use Optimove.

That's information related to AI tools for digital marketing. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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