This Is Bad! Twitter Doesn't Obey Indian Government, What Is The Reason?
Twitter (Techcrunch)

JAKARTA - Recently, Twitter made a statement that it would not bow to the Indian government led by PM Narendra Modi. The reason is that there are many accounts spreading fake news about the problems that befell Indian farmers.

It has been reported that tens of thousands of farmers are camping around New Delhi to protest against the new agricultural law. They think that the law is detrimental to farmers and only benefits buyers. The protests continued for several months.

Jack Dorsey's social media platform has rejected orders from the Indian prime minister to submit to the government. One of them is an order to delete about 1,100 more posts.

Twitter does not want to comply because it considers the order inconsistent with Indian law. Although Twitter limits the accounts that tweet the spread of fake tia to within the country, the tweet can still be read by Twitter users outside India.

The US social media giant is currently at loggerheads with the Indian government which wants to delete more than 1,100 posts and Twitter accounts. India has identified that thousands of accounts and Twitter posts have spread fake news about several months of farmer protests over India's agricultural law.

PM Modi accused the accounts of being masterminded by Pakistan, also being controlled by the Sikh separatist movement. On the other hand, PM Modi gave a warning to Twitter regarding the insubordination a few days ago.

Modi also threatened Twitter officials will be thrown in jail, the company will also be subject to sanctions if they do not comply with Modi's orders to block content deemed misleading.

Twitter says it has blocked more than 500 accounts. Twitter has also taken action against hundreds of accounts that have violated platform policies related to incitement, harassment and violence, as reported by Wire.

"These accounts continue to be available outside India, as we are not sure that the actions we are taking are in accordance with Indian law," said Twitter.

The Indian government gave an order to Twitter to restrict news accounts on the grounds that press freedom was not an excuse to support the spread of false information.

Twitter rejects this order by not taking action against accounts linked to journalists, news media, politicians and activists. Twitter also added that if they followed PM Modi's orders it would violate their freedom of expression under the umbrella of Indian law.

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