JAKARTA - Ryan Salame's trial was held in federal court in Manhattan after the FBI carried out an ambush at the residence of the former CEO of the Bahamas FTX. All the speculation that developed regarding this case was finally answered when Salame admitted his guilt in court.

Judge Lewis Kaplan, who is leading the case, will also oversee the case of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried. The list of charges read by the Judge includes conspiracy to deceive the Federal Election Committee, breach of campaign contributions, and operation of an unlicensed remittance business.

In addition to admitting the mistake, Salame also agreed to hand over his property to the US government by paying a fine of 6 million US dollars (Rp92 billion). In addition, he will hand over two properties in Lenox, Massachusetts, and a Porsche car. The total value of the assets he handed over reached 1.5 billion US dollars (equivalent to Rp23 trillion).

Baca juga:

- https://voi.id/teknologi/241395/komisi-sekuritas-bahama-minta-sam-bankman-fried-serahkan-dana-rp4-7-triliun

- https://voi.id/teknologi/292571/fbi-selidiki-bos-pertukaran-kripto-kraken-barang-elektronik-milik-jesse-powell-disita

- https://voi.id/teknologi/238398/sam-bankman-fried-dibebaskan-dengan-uang-jaminan-rp3-9-triliun-lho

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Salame will also pay restitution of 5 million US dollars (Rp. 76.7 billion) to FTX debtors. By signing this defense agreement, Salame waived his right to appeal the sentence that will be imposed on him within the next 10 years.

Previously, Salame had agreed to provide more than 10 million US dollars (Rp153 billion) in the form of a political contribution, which he spread as a loan that would not be paid back. He also mentioned that Sam Bankman-Fried supported the contribution. At the end of his statement, Salame admitted that what he did was an unlawful act.

Ryan Salame's decision to admit his mistake could be an important event in the Sam Bankman-Fried case. Judge Kaplan decided to release Salame with a guarantee of 1 million US dollars (Rp15 billion) on condition of two joint guarantors.

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