JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic has gradually ended, and now people are fasting Ramadan and will soon celebrate Eid al-Fitr 2023, but ahead of the holiday, Savvy's digital society's habit has finally been revealed.

Through a study or study found by Jenius from Bank BTPN, with the title Digital Community Behavior of Savvy Ahead of Eid Al-Fitr 2023, it can be seen that digital savvy people still maintain financial habits, both from the pandemic to before Eid.

Digital savvy means a lifestyle and people's skills that are fluent in using digital technology, are often associated with the younger generation.

In Jenius' research, there were many members of society who began to set aside the holiday allowance (THR) they received to save and even invest. "We have gone through the moments of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr in various ways, starting from celebrating at home only because of the pandemic situation, until now the situation has gradually returned to normal," said the Digital Banking Acquisition, Service and Marketing Head of Bank BTPN, Anita Esarusi in an online press conference, Friday, April 14.

The study, which was conducted from March to April 2023, involved 127 respondents aged 18 to 40 years, revealed that 76 percent of respondents received THR in Eid al-Fitr this time.

In addition, it turns out that not only employees who receive THR, but entrepreneurs, freelancers, to YouTubers, also set aside some income to give THR to themselves.

Still, according to the same study, there were three digital savvy characters when receiving the THR, namely The Saver (41 percent), which allocated their THR to save, The Spander (40 percent), which allocated THR for direct purchase, as well as the character of The Investor (19 percent), which allocated THR for investing.

About 30 percent of The Saver characters allocate their THR funds for emergency funds, but 20 percent of them allocate them for holidays.

Meanwhile, in The Spender character, the THR allocation for spending on Eid al-Fitr needs still dominates at 67 percent.

Interestingly, 28 percent of these characters allocate their THR funds to pay off their debts so that their financial conditions are more optimal.

It was found that both characters both allocated THR funds for holidays. In The Investor character, 39 percent of them used THR funds for emergency funds and realized their dreams.

To manage THR funds, Jenius provides a Mutual Fund Investment feature for Jenius friends who want to allocate their THR for investment.

Jenius is also equipped with the Save It feature, where users can allocate THR to be saved according to their needs, with three options for the type of savings available, namely Flexi Saver, Dream Saver, and Maxi Saver.

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