Cadillac Wants To Produce Flying Cars And Autonomous Electric Cars
Cadillac VTOL Personal Drone (Gearpatrol)

JAKARTA - Cadillac, a car manufacturer from the United States (US), will present a luxury electric car called the Celestiq. The company plans to launch this brand-new vehicle in the near future.

In addition to the Celestiq, Cadillac is showing off its newest advanced cars, namely the Cadillac Personal Autonomous Vehicle (PAV) and the Cadillac Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) Personal Drone. However, both of them will not be launched in the near future like the latest commercial car made by him.

PAV and VTOL are part of a future vision for those who don't want to drive an electric car alone but can still find other electric vehicles to suit their future needs.

Of the two vehicles, the PAV is the most viable. Only, it looks like a Cruise Origin autonomous pod. The PAV comes with three doors and does not use manual controls. This vehicle will be operated by a computer system.

"The main room was changed for maximum comfort and an enhanced customer experience," said Cadillac.

The interior is more like a lounge than a vehicle room. Seats are placed on each side of the room which is visible from outside the glass roof of the vehicle. It's not only the interior of the room that makes it comfortable. The company also equips these vehicles with biometric technology, voice control and gestures for temperature and audio control.

Meanwhile, the Cadillac VTOL Personal Drone comes with a more futuristic design. The vehicle is intended for future purposes, namely a means of air transportation.

"Shows a vision of the future when air travel allows," said Cadillac, as quoted by Slashgear.

The VTOL Personal Drone is an autonomous flying vehicle. This means that passengers do not need to do training first to use this vehicle. However, passengers are advised to ride this vehicle on top of the building. Then fly to the nearest VTOL Personal Drone runway area.

Cadillac says that this vehicle will be powered by a 90 kWh battery. Four propellers are attached to the front and rear to support flight travel, allowing the vehicle to take off and land horizontally.

With a battery capacity of that size, the personal drone's flight range is only able to reach 90 km per hour. For trips in urban areas, the use of personal drones made by Cadillac will allow people to get to their destination faster than taking a taxi in a crowded car on the road.

The company presents these two means of transportation, both the PAV and the VTOL Personal Drone, as part of the Cadilac Halo plan with a two-seater design that the company will soon reveal.

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