JAKARTA - The government has started the first batch of vaccination program. The CoronaVac vaccine injection certainly has side effects, but it won't make you a Titan.
This is a joke by netizens on a number of social media that often link the COVID-19 vaccination program with the Attack on Titan series. They joke that the vaccine will turn it into Titan.
"Will it be Titan Ga?" Netizen comments while watching the live streaming of the first COVID-19 vaccination by President Joko Widodo, Wednesday, January 13.
"Will it become Titan later if it is injected?" other comments on the Kemkominfo TV YouTube channel.
The channel admin of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemkominfo) responds to warganet jokes. "Once again, information for the public. Those who are injected with the vaccine will not become titans!"
Hype Attack on TitanTitan itself is a man-eating giant from the Attack on Titan series. The film, which is based on a comic made by Hajime Isayama, is about the struggle of Eren Jeager and his colleagues in the Survey Corps team to fight Titan.
The anime that airs on Netflix is entering the final season stage. The comic series entitled Shingeki no Kyojin will soon end in April.
In both the comic and anime series, the figure of Titan is depicted as a giant who physically resembles a human. Most of them have disproportionate body shapes or are deformed by human standards.

For example, a bigger head, small arms, and a very wide mouth. They have no other purpose than to prey on humans, and are not even interested in preying on animals or plants.
Well, in the story there is a serum or vaccine that has the ability to turn humans into Titans. The most common way used to turn a human into a Titan, is through injection.
This is the focus of warganet's jokes regarding the vaccination program. Moreover, the Indonesian government has brought in 1.2 million candidates for the COVID-19 vaccine made by a Chinese pharmaceutical company, Sinovac, and 1.8 doses will follow.
A total of 3 million vaccines are planned to be injected into health workers as the first priority. Today, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is the first person to receive the vaccine injection.
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