WhatsApp Blunts About The Policy Of Sharing Data With Facebook
WhatsApp illustrations (Mika Baumeister / Unsplash

JAKARTA - After days of being a public conversation because of its new privacy policy, WhatsApp has finally opened its voice regarding rumors of data insecurity that have misunderstood its users.

WhatsApp confirmed through its Twitter page @WhatsApp that the new privacy policy does not affect end-to-end encryption and the privacy security of user messages with anyone.

"We want to clear up the rumors and it is 100 percent clear that we protect private messages with end-to-end encryption. Our privacy policy updates do not affect the privacy of your messages with friends or family," tweeted @WhatsApp, Wednesday January 13.

Head of WhatsApp, Will Cathcart also expressed the same thing. Cathcart explains that messages sent between users will still be protected. However, the new privacy policy and the use of services carried out by WhatsApp apply to chats conducted with business accounts, not personal.

"It is important for us to explain that this update is for communication with (account) businesses. It does not affect how users communicate privately with friends or family," tweeted @wcathcart.

According to Cathcart, his party must immediately roll out the WhatsApp update. Moreover, this platform has started to explore business communication and does not change the practice of sharing WhatsApp data with Facebook.

This latest privacy policy, said WhatsApp, will only apply to conversations with WhatsApp Business accounts. Where this service uses the WhatsApp Business API to select a hosting provider outside WhatsApp.

Businesses can use Facebook's hosting infrastructure, conversations with WhatsApp Business accounts will be stored on Facebook servers. If the user communicates with a Business account that uses storage outside of WhatsApp, the platform will display a notification in that chat.

"Users are then entitled and free to choose whether they want to interact with the business or not. Conversations with Business accounts that use the free WhatsApp Business application, or those using the WhatsApp Business API, but, still using the WhatsApp hosting service, are still protected by end-to-encryption. end as usual, "he said in a WhatsApp blog post.

In addition, this subsidiary owned by Mark Zuckerberg also ensures that it will not keep records of users' messages or phone calls. WhatsApp also cannot see the location of the smartphone, other than what is shared by its users.

The green logo platform also recommends that users set automatic message deletion for security. Users can also download their own data on the service.

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