JAKARTA - The private messaging application Signal is now in the spotlight. In fact, the messaging application Signal is now dominating the App Store - surpassing Telegram and WhatsApp.
Based on the findings of the Sensor Tower firm, the number of Signal application users increased to 4,200 percent after WhatsApp shared an update to its User Privacy Policy.
"From January 6 to January 10, Signal was downloaded by approximately 7.5 million users, both through the App Store and Google Play Store," said Sensor Tower representatives to Business Insider reporters, Wednesday, January 13.
In terms of features, Signal is equipped with a similar service and can be found from other similar applications. It's just that, designed with a slightly different user interface often makes novice users feel confused.
Therefore, the VOI team has summarized various sources regarding the features and tips for using Signal.
You can download the Signal application from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Just like WhatsApp, you need an active SIM card number to activate it. After you enter the telephone number, Signal will send a verification code via the message recipient application.
Next, you will be asked to set up a Signal account. Starting from filling in the account name, profile photo, and seeing the list of contacts who have used this chat application.
PIN function that keeps appearing every time you open the applicationWhen you set up your account for the first time, Signal will ask you to set a PIN. Based on the explanation from within the application, the PIN feature is a form of security service to keep account information stored on one device.
Through the PIN feature, Signal also ensures that only you, as a user, can access account information. As a result, when you want to restore Signal data that was previously uninstalled, just enter your security PIN.
There is also an option to turn off the PIN feature. The way to turn off this feature via Android or iOS is no different. You just have to enter the Settings menu, open the Privacy menu, then tap the Pin Reminders option. In it, you will find an option to disable Signal's security feature.
All chat applications provide a service for deleting messages. However, most of it can only be done manually. This means that you have to choose what messages you want to delete and then take the steps to delete them.
In the Signal application, this service has received an increase. As with the new features on Messenger or DM Instagram, every message sent can be automatically deleted via Signal.
It's just that, you need to enable this setting on every conversation. The way to activate the Auto Delete Message feature on the Android or iOS versions is no different. Simply enter the conversation window, tap the three dots icon located on the top right side, next to the phone icon, then tap the Messages Deletion menu.
There are several options for how long to delete messages. Ranging from 5 seconds to 1 week at most. Later, every message that you send will be deleted automatically at a predetermined time.
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