ChatGPT Was Off, User Email Name And Address Leaked
ChatGPT had a bug (Photo: OpenAI)

JAKARTA - Earlier this week, OpenAI had stopped ChatGPT due to a bug in the open source library, which allowed some users to view the title from another active user chat history.

So, after a deeper investigation, OpenAI found that the bug had led to information visibility related to accidental payments from 1.2 percent of ChatGPT Plus subscribers that were active during certain nine-hour windows.

Hours before making ChatGPT offline on Monday, some users can view the first and last names of other active users, email addresses, payment addresses, the last four digits (only) credit card numbers, and the validity period of the date credit card.

"We believe the number of users whose data is really disclosed to other people is very low," the company said in its official website statement.

Seeing this issue, the company claimed to have contacted affected users to inform them that their payment information may have been revealed.

"Everyone at OpenAI is committed to protecting the privacy of our users and maintaining the security of their data. This is a responsibility we take very seriously. Unfortunately, this week we failed to fulfill that commitment," the company added.

For this reason, on March 24, OpenAI said the bug had now been fixed, and the ChatGPT service was reactivated.

The company also claims to have extensively tested fixes for the underlying bug.

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