JAKARTA - When you're driving and relying on Google Maps as a direction, you have to connect to the internet to still be able to see the road in real-time.

However, apart from online, Google is also offering offline navigation that will help you when it's out of internet range. Here's how to use Google Maps offline.

But, if you live in certain locations such as cities or small towns, Google also has a simpler way to use Maps when offline. Here's how:

Thus, Maps will continue to give you the option to make adjustments to the area range.

In both cases above, Maps will show you how much space a file will use on your phone before you download it. In general, the more precise your location is, the smaller the file size.

If you enable the "automatic update" in the settings menu, your map will be refreshed every two weeks to enter the latest data.

Unfortunately, at the time of offline, keep in mind that you will not have traffic data in real-time until you have connectivity again, and any travel time between destinations before that will be a calculated estimate as if there was no traffic jam.

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