JAKARTA - In today's digital era, cybersecurity is a critical aspect of almost every business. Cyber threats increase every day, so businesses must take proactive action to protect their networks and data. As a result, requests for cybersecurity professionals have soared.

In this article, VOI cites various sources including Cointelegraph discussing the top seven cybersecurity jobs being sought.

1. Cyber Security Analyst

A cybersecurity analyst is responsible for identifying and mitigating cyber threats against the network and data of an organization. They check system logs and network traffic to find and repair security holes. In addition, they created and implemented security policies and processes to defend companies from cyber attacks in the future.

Cybersecurity analysis often requires a bachelor's degree in cybersecurity or related discipline. They can also hold certifications such as compliance with, certified information systems professional (CISSP) or certified ethical hackers.

2. Cyber Security Engineers

A cybersecurity engineer is responsible for designing and implementing security measures to protect networks and data of an organization. They assess the company's security requirements and create security tools, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption software. To ensure an effective security solution, they test it and evaluate it.

Cybersecurity engineers often need a bachelor's degree in cybersecurity or similar discipline. They can also hold certifications such as a certified information security manager (CISM) or CISSP.

3. Security Consultant

A security consultant provides advice on the best security practices and strategies for the organization. They conduct risk assessments and audits to find weaknesses and provide security solutions. They also create security policies and processes as well as train staff members about the best practices.

Security consultants often have qualifications such as CISSP or CISM and undergraduate degrees in cybersecurity or related professions.

4. Information Security Manager

Information security managers manage the organization's information security programs. They create and implement security policies and processes, oversee audits and security assessments, and ensure that all legal requirements are met. They also manage security incidents and work closely with other departments to ensure that security measures are integrated into every aspect of the company.

Most information security managers hold undergraduate degrees in related subjects or close to information security, and some have certifications like CISM or CISSP.

5. Testeer

A penetration tester tests networks and organizational systems to find vulnerabilities. They carry out simulated attacks to find loopholes in the company's security measures. To deal with the vulnerabilities found, they also create and implement security solutions.

Integrators usually hold a bachelor's degree in information security or other related disciplines. They can be certified as ethical hackers or have CISSP certification.

6. Security Architect

A security architect is responsible for designing and implementing security solutions for the network and data of an organization. They create security design and architecture and evaluate new security technologies. In addition, they ensure that security precautions are included in all the procedures and systems used by the company.

Security architects generally hold undergraduate degrees in information security or other related disciplines, and they can be certified in positions such as CISM or CISSP.

7. Cybersecurity Manager

A cybersecurity manager is responsible for managing an organization's cybersecurity program. They oversee operations and cybersecurity staff, create and implement security policies, and ensure regulatory compliance. They also manage security incidents and work closely with other departments to maintain the best security practices.

Most cybersecurity managers hold undergraduate degrees in the field or those closely related to it, and some of them have certifications such as CISM or CISSP.

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