JAKARTA - A series of riots occurred at the Capitol Hill Building, Washington DC, regarding the discussion of the results of the United States (US) Presidential Election. In response to this, the compact social media platform took action against the account of US President Donald Trump.

"We ask @realDonaldTrump to delete the three tweets that were written today, which violate the Civil Integrity policy," wrote Twitter via Twitter Safety account, Thursday, January 7.

However, due to repeated violations, Twitter threatened to freeze Donald Trump's account for the next 12 hours. In which Trump tweeted, a sentence containing support for the ongoing violence amid demonstrations at the Capitol Building (US House of Representatives / MPR).

"Future violations of Twitter's rules, including violating our Civil Integrity or threats of violence, will result in permanent suspension of the @realDonaldTrump account," wrote the Twitter team.

These tweets have previously been labeled by Twitter as misleading posts. Initially, Twitter only limited the tweet so that it could not be replied to, retweeted, and liked.

Twitter also said the suspension option should be avoided as stated in its "public interest policy", which states that tweets from world leaders should be left active to allow for public scrutiny and dissemination.

"We will continue to evaluate the situation in real time, including checking activity in the field and statements made by Twitter," wrote the Twitter Safety team.

Facebook Delete Trump Post

The same thing will also be done by Facebook and YouTube which will compactly silence posts and videos of US President Donald Trump. Both social media platforms have also removed Trump videos aimed at the masses of supporters.

In the video, Trump calls for his supporters to return home. However, he also gave sympathy for the violence at the Capitol congress building. He also reiterated the claim that there had been vote count fraud in the US Presidential Election.

"This is an emergency situation and we are taking emergency action accordingly, including deleting the video of President Trump," said Guy Rosen, Facebook's vice president of integrity, in a tweet.

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