Dear Singles, Here Are 8 Tips From Google To Quickly Move On
#YukMoveOn campaign with Google (Tachta Citra Elfira/VOI)

JAKARTA - Breaking up and forgetting about your ex, can be the most difficult thing in life. Not a few of them find it difficult to move on, because they can't forget their past memories with their exes.

In fact, Google noted that the phrase 'How to Move On' was the most searched keyword in Indonesia throughout 2019. Based on Google's internal data, Indonesian citizens searched for various things on the Internet to solve their heartbreak problem.

According to Meta Sumanti as Google Indonesia's Brand and Creative Lead, in the same category the keyword 'how to get over your ex' is also the most searched thing. Especially ahead of Valentine's Day, which is a strong reason for citizens to be able to move on.

"Because the search is very high, especially just before Valentine's Day in February. Many people haven't moved on yet," said Meta when he was met in the SCBD area, Central Jakarta, Thursday, February 6.

When detailed, in addition to 'move on' and 'how to forget your ex', other trending keywords on Google search engines include Move On Fighters, Ways or Tips, Effective Move On Tutorials, Good Ways to Move On, Why Difficult to Move On and Prayer Move On.

Seeing this phenomenon, Goole revealed a number of ways to be able to move on from the past and the shadow of an ex-girlfriend. Together with celebrity Vanesha Prescillia, Google is campaigning for the hashtag #YukMoveOn, through a number of features that can help you forget about her.

"This idea appears to people who want to move on. Many come to Google to seek help moving on from anything," explains Meta.

Here are eight features for reinforcements from Google, which can help you overcome your anxiety about forgetting your ex:

#YukMoveOn campaign with Google (Tachta Citra Elfira / VOI)

1. Google Files application

Files is an application from Google to make it easier for users to manage files on their cellphones, and do things more quickly, such as finding their favorite photos.

Using Google's mobile vision technology, this application can quickly find and suggest files to delete. Launched in 2019, Files has helped its users delete more than 300 duplicate files every second around the world based on Google reports.

2. Google Photo

Move on by deleting the person's photo on your cellphone is an easy way. Google Photos can automatically recognize a face in one tap, where the application will quickly get hundreds of photos on the phone with recognized faces.

This search also includes location categories, and dates. Of course this application makes it easy for users to delete their photos in one tap.

3. Google Assistant

To solve your solitude, Google Assistan will gladly entertain you. From starting alarms, displaying the news of the day, to entertaining you with jokes.

Google Assistant is believed to be able to help its users get more done every day in an instant and personalized way.

4. YouTube Music

Again, it's bothering me that Move On is the best place to listen to songs. Yes, this Google's proud application can help users choose playlists or songs based on keywords, for example "Songs to Move On Quickly", so with the smart search feature all songs can be found quickly.

5. Google Calendar

While moving on, let's also reach our target of self-development. With the Goals feature in this app users can add personal goals such as "have to exercise three times a week," instantly Google Calendar will help you find the time and stick to it. Because, the calendar will automatically reschedule the activities if you miss it.

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