JAKARTA Pi Network has become increasingly popular lately because a number of parties have unofficially registered it on crypto exchanges. Commenting on this, the developer outlined that Pi Network has not been affiliated with outsiders including crypto exchanges.

Pi Network masih dalam pengembangan. Pi Network juga masih berada dalam mainnet tertutup. Pasalnya, protokol ini sedang disiapkan untuk peluncuran mainnet terbuka yang sudah diantikan pembangwat Pi Coin. Pada awal Januari lalu, pi Network mengadakan Pi Network Hackhathon dan sukses menarik perhatian sekitar 1,800 pengembang.

Even so, the developer has not officially announced the release time of the public mainnet. On the other hand, the launch of the open mainnet will offer many possibilities. Then, what are the benefits of developing the project behind closed doors? The following will explain the advantages.

Pi Network Profits on Closed Mainnet

Closed Mainnet provides an advantage for developers to work on long-term projects. Miners Pi at the Pinoeer level also benefited in this case because they had already collected Pi Coin before the launch of the public mainnet.

The following are the advantages of projects being developed behind closed doors:

The closed-mainnet period Pi Network allows the protocol to focus on two top priorities: First, mass verification of Pioneer identities through KYC and migration of their Pi mining balances to Pi mainnets. Second, the creation of real utilities for the original Pi currency.

Focusing on the two priorities above in closed internet ensures that protocols for building a viable and sustainable ecosystem for its large user base. Skalable KYC solutions are needed for security and creating real cryptocurrency Pi utilities will improve ecosystem infrastructure.

According to a BSC report, when both priorities are completed during a closed internet, users will enjoy a safer ecosystem and build utility. Next, Pi Network will proceed to its next development step, launching the Open mainnet.

In order to achieve three Pi Network profits in the development of closed internet before the launch of the mainnet opens. For information, Pi Network is a cryptocurrency platform and a new developer that allows mobile users to mine Pi Coin efficiently without requiring large battery energy or consumption. Pi focuses on developing decentralized applications (DApps) for millions of users in various countries.

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