JAKARTA From the end of October to December 2022, there were three crypto figures who mysteriously died. The deaths of prominent figures in the crypto industry have saddened the community.

Interestingly, the sad news from the crypto industry is taking place in the midst of the bear market phase. In this case, not only the crypto market has experienced a decline, but also the crypto industry in general. Coupled with the sad news from crypto figures whose cause of death is still being questioned.

List ofappropriated Crypto Figures

The crypto market has experienced a massive bull run throughout 2021. Then in 2022, the crypto market was shaken by a number of negative events, starting from the collapse of the Terra LUNA project, the bankruptcy of 3 Arrows Capital, then the latest collapse of one of the leading crypto exchanges, FTX.

In 2022, the crypto market will experience a prolonged bearish phase. At that time, crypto market capitalization fell freely from 2 trillion US dollars to 800 billion US dollars. At the same time, crypto figure deaths began. Here's the list!

1. Nikolai Mushegian

Early in the morning, on October 28, Nikolai Mushegian uploaded a Twitter post filled with fear. He mentioned the words they referring to the US National Intelligence Agency, CIA, and Israel Secret Service, Mossad.

Furthermore, Mushegian also wrote elite pedo which refers to the elite perpetrators of the crime of pedophilia, extortion, and sex trafficking in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean archipelago. He admitted that he would be tortured by them.

CIA and Mossad and the pedo elite run a kind of sex trafficking extortion ring trapping from Puerto Rico and the Caribbean islands. They will trap me with a laptop mounted by my ex-girlfriend who is a spy. They will torture me to death," wrote Nikolai Mushegian's tweet via his Twitter account using the name @delete_shitcoin, October 28, 2022.

At that time, Mushegian was a DeFi developer who was eager to fight the centralized banking system. DeFi is a decentralized finance that poses a threat to traditional banks that are still operating today. Mushegian wants to end centralized banking.

Mushegian does not criticize the banking system and bankers. He considered bankers to be crazy people operating by utilizing the snares of debt and extortion.

He is the early developer for Maker DAO, the biggest DeFi protocol on crypto. Maker DAO is also a big player in creating stablecoins, which are essentially a substitute for cryptocurrencies for fiat currencies. Mushegian is also fairly rich as he lives at home for $6 million in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Just hours after Mushegian wrote the post, a surfer (surfer) found Mushegian's body adrift in the waves. He was fully dressed, and carried his wallet. When news of his death spread, the internet was flooded with conspiracy theories over the mysterious cause of his death.

A few weeks before his death, Mushegian had said that his future was very important. He admitted that he would be made suicide by the CIA. Mushegian mentions several keywords that are still a question to date such as the worst dream' of people who mess with him, and slaves of assets whose brain was damaged by the CIA, as reported by DailyCoin.

"Repetitively, the strange people we are fighting use two main mechanisms: 1) debt, 2) extortion. It complements each other, they have the effect of supporting each other to build strength. The problem is that they have used this successfully (in a long time), they forget to learn how to do something else, "wrote Nikolai Mushegian (@delete_shitcoin) September 13, 2022.

There were two reactions to Mushegian's death. Members of the online crypto community immediately argued that something was wrong with his death. The CEO of Spankchain, Ameen Soleimani, immediately tweeted that he was quite convinced that Mushegian had been murdered. Soleimani argued that Mushegian could have died or drowned on any day of the year, but to do so the day he tweeted about his death was too suspicious.

An online sentiment with Soleimani, because Mushegian's original tweet about being framed went viral. Shortly thereafter, the tweet had 30 thousand Likes when people began theorizing about Mushegian's death.

3 possible futures for me 1) suicide by the CIA, 2) a slave asset brain-rustrated by the CIA, 3) the worst dream of the people who have destabilized me until now, I believe this is the only option," he wrote on September 5, 2022.

According to San Juan Police, there is no evidence of oddity in Mushegian's death. News outlets such as the New York Post also cited several close associates of Mushegian who said he was a very paranoid person. Thus, his warnings and tweets may be driven by extreme joining.

We may never know the real cause of Mushegian's death, but what we know is that the conditions around him are still shrouded in mystery.

2. Tiantian Kullander

On November 23, 2022, the crypto world came under a huge shock when Tiantian Kullander was reported to have died while he was sleeping. Kullander is only 30 years old and is one of the most accomplished young people in the crypto ecosystem.

Kullander is the head of Amber Group, a financial services company operating in the digital asset community. His death came at a time when the company was close to raising about $100 million.

Prior to launching Amber, Kullander had worked for financial giants such as Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. She launched the Amber Group with the help of her former colleagues at the two companies. Apart from being the founder of Amber Group, Kullander also sits on the board of Fnatic, an eSports company, and is a founding member of Rouk Labs.

Kullander is a very closed person, so very little is known about his life. He also doesn't have a social media account, so his death surprises many people. So surprised, people began to wonder if any irregularities had occurred.

Amber Group did little to get rid of the rumors. Their press release only confirmed that Kullander had died and that her family was confused because of the death memes. The release didn't say much and only praised him as a well-recognized crypto pioneer.

The unexpected Kullander's death at a young age of 30 sparked a conspiracy among anti-vaccination activists. These activists claim that the Covid-19 vaccine is causing more unexplained deaths, and these deaths are just another weapon in their arsenal.

However, it is important to remember that there is no reason to suggest that the vaccine causes this death. Until now it is not known whether Kullander was vaccinated or not. Critically, no one even knows if he suffered an undisclosed disease before he died. All that is known is what Amber Group chose to release to the public. The rest is still unknown.

3. Vyacheslav Taran

This figure is one of the elites from Russia. 2022 has been a terrible year for these elites as many developed the fatal case of "push-out-of-the-window-titis". But Vyacheslav Taran is not one of these elites. He was not pushed out of the window. On the other hand, he had a helicopter crash.

While the Russian embassy said that Taran's death was an unfortunate accident, Ukrainian authorities said it was far from the truth. Taran is not just an elite Russian. He is a crypto billionaire based in Monaco.

He is famous in Monaco's financial circle and a well-known philanthropist. He is also the founder of the Forex club and the president of the Libertex group, a trading and investment platform.

But according to UNIAN, a Ukrainian news agency, this is all just a cover. They claim that he is not only a trusted crypto billionaire who donates money to charity. He is also a money laundering waste for Russian oligarchs and does it through crypto.

Although there have been many claims about fraud in Taran's death, no conclusive evidence has yet been submitted by anyone. The situation around the accident itself is normal.

Taran boarded a Monacair H130 helicopter from Lausanne, Switzerland, and is on his way back to Monaco. He was supposed to join another VIP on the trip, but they canceled it in the last minute before the flight. The accident occurred in Villefranche-sur-Me, a city in France. Everyone on the helicopter was killed, including an experienced pilot flying Taran.

Perhaps the only mysterious thing about death is that the accident occurred in weather which was fairly good for flights. The deputy public prosecutor who visited the scene also refused to rule out irregularities.

Meanwhile, Taran's wife, Olga, wrote a touching letter to journalists to stop spreading lies showing her husband was linked to the Russian oligarchy business.

This is the case of the deaths of three crypto figures that occurred throughout the end of 2022!

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