JAKARTA - Meta, one of the largest technology companies in the world today, on December 6, shared its focus #MetaID2023 on delivering the Republic of Indonesia and all its elements to the future internet era.

"We at Meta work on mission and focus on enabling people in Indonesia to build a future and progress in their lives," Pieter Lydian, Country Director, Meta Indonesia, Tuesday, December 6 in Jakarta.

Throughout 2022, Pieter said Meta sees technological innovations as having played a role in helping business people to continue to grow, as well as helping communities to continue to connect with more people and share inspiration.

"In 2023, Meta will continue to focus on supporting the people above Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, adopting the power of digital technology to have a wider impact on the community," he said.

At least, Pieter continued, there are three points that will be the focus of Meta Indonesia to deliver Indonesia and all its elements towards an internet era in the future.

First, Meta is committed to continuing to empower business, be it SMEs, big businesses, SOEs, and so on by taking them to digitalization through the power of digital technology to open markets in Indonesia and around the world.

"WhatsApp if viewed as a means of communication, yes. But for business, it's extraordinary. Next year there will be new features or programs where WhatsApp can advance business," said Pieter.

The second point, Meta will help creators connect with their fans through new tools that can allow creators to monetize their content.

Meta will also always support its creators, not only content creators, but also future creators such as NFT creators, AR creators and VR.

"Finally, Meta will always work with various agencies and organizations to invest in the development of human resources in Indonesia," he concluded.

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