YOGYAKARTA Autonomous taxis are driverless public transportation. Vehicles used as autonomous taxis are equipped with advanced technology that allows cars to run on their own without the help or intervention of humans or drivers (self-driving). In developed countries, autonomous taxis have become a new field of business. Here are some countries providing autonomous taxis.

Compiled by VOI from various sources, Thursday, November 18, 2022, countries that have adopted autonomous taxi technology include:

The United States is one of the developed countries that has adopted autonomous taxi technology. The driverless taxi service is provided by Cruise, an autonomous vehicle company whose majority shares are controlled by General Motors.

In June 2022, GM Cruise announced that it had even obtained permission to charge consumers for autonomous taxis in San Francisco.

The car used as an autonomous taxi by cruise is a battery-powered electric vehicle, which is billed as a potential vehicle to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.

Quoted from Tempo, autonomous taxis managed by Cruise are only allowed to travel at a maximum speed of 48 km/h. The autonomous taxi fleet is also prohibited from operating from 22.00 to 06.00 and is not allowed to run during thick fog and heavy rain.

In addition to operating autonomous taxis in San Francisco, Cruise will also launch robotaxi services in Phoenix, Arizona, and Austin, Texas, before the end of 2022.

The second autonomous taxi provider country is China. Driverless taxi services in the Bamboo Curtain Country are provided by Baidu, which incidentally is an electric vehicle (EV) company.

Adapted from ANTARA, Baidu will offer commercial robotaxi services, without a driver, in several areas in China's two cities via the company's autonomous ride-sharing platform, Apollo Go.

Baidu said his party would implement repeated monitoring and parallel steering to ensure passenger safety.

Baidu has launched the Apollo Go test service in various cities in China such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen.

In recent years, China has launched a series of policies to promote the development and commercialization of self-driving technology, Xinhua was quoted as saying Friday.

Apart from America and China, South Korea (South Korea) has also adopted autonomous taxi technology.

As one of the world's technology centers, South Korea launched a breakthrough program in the field of public transportation, by providing autonomous taxi services.

The first wave of autonomous taxi services is present in Seoul City and is already operating in the western region of the city, it is located in the Sangam-dong District, western Seoul, bearing VOI.

Each passenger can call one of the taxis via the TAP application! on the smartphone. Interestingly, the tariff charged is flat, which is 2,000 won or around Rp. 24,026 per trip, automatically paid to the application.

Around two separate commercial areas of the district, vehicles will pick up and drop passengers at any point along the route, which has been set on the app, according to the Seoul city government.

The city government also plans to launch autonomous buses in the area. Including buses and autonomous taxis, the city is seeking to operate up to 12 autonomous public transport vehicles in the Sangam-dong district, a zone for the city's autonomous vehicle trial project, by the end of this year.

That is information about countries that provide autonomous taxis. Hopefully useful!

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