BALI - Being one of the talks at the B20 meeting virtually, Elon Musk stated that it is possible for SpaceX to make rocket launchers in Indonesia in the future.

During the 1-on-1 session with the CEO and President of Bakrie & Brothers, Anindya Bakrie, shared an experience when she heard SpaceX engineers who said the best location for launching rockets into space was on the equator.

Musk himself did not rule out the possibility of making rocket launchers in low mountain areas around the equator. Indonesia is one of the countries traversed by the equator and one of the longest in the world.

Anindya also asked if there was any possibility that the SpaceX rocket launch facility would be built in Indonesia?

Musk himself said that in the long term it did make sense. "I think in the long term, it makes sense to launch platforms from various countries," he said at a B20 virtual meeting, Monday, November 14.

In fact, according to him, this launch facility can also be used to travel between countries using rockets. Because rockets that have high speed make travel between parts of the world can take place more briefly.

"By using rockets, you can travel from one part of the world to another 20 times the speed of sound," said Mus.

Musk even believes that one day traveling to any area on Earth can be done in less than 1 hour.

Only me, to get there is still quite a long time. Currently, there are indeed several countries that can launch rockets. But all of those rockets were used for launch into space.

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