JAKARTA - POLYTRON, at the largest motorcycle exhibition in Indonesia IMOS 2022 (The Indonesia Motorcycle Show) which will be held on November 2-6 2022 at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) in Senayan, shows off its newest electric motorcycle unit.

Although it is relatively new in the motorcycle market in Indonesia, POLYTRON is still optimistic that its expansion in the electric motorcycle market will 'pave it successfully.

In addition, along with the opening of the exhibition, on November 2, 2022, POLYTRON introduced a new business model, namely the electric motorcycle battery rental program.

The company revealed that the program aims to make the price of premium POLYTRON electric motors more affordable to everyone by setting aside battery costs.

With this battery rental program, consumers will pay monthly rentals and POLYTRON will be responsible for battery repairs, maintenance costs, and battery replacement costs to provide a 'free-worry' experience.

The new POLYTRON electric motor unit, named Fox-R and T-Rex, comes with various updates and advantages of the latest features that can complement your daily mobility that is practical, efficient and environmentally friendly.

"IMOS is an event that automotive lovers have been waiting for, especially for millennials, this event is an event that must be attended for the latest vehicle hunting that will be purchased to accompany their daily activities in their daily mobility, taking into account advanced features and affordable prices," said Tekno Wibowo as Commercial Director of POLYTRON in a release received in Jakarta.

Tekno Wibowo also introduced the latest type with the name Fox-R which has a 3KW power with a maximum speed of 90 Kmh. Fox-R comes with a large battery capacity of 3.7 kWh, and it will certainly provide convenience for you in your daily mobility.

With one Fox-R charge, it is claimed that you can run up to 130 km. Charging is also easy, can be portable, anywhere and anytime. There is a battery indicator, namely when you are in position zero to reach 80%, the charging length is only around 4 hours 30 minutes.

Next is the T-Rex variant, the highest variant of POLYTRON capable of running at a speed of 130 Kmh with a super-powered battery power of 7.6 kWh for those of you who need extra power with a longer range, reaching 130 km in one charge.

"Hopefully, with the support of the government and strong community support, the electric motorcycle industry will be more advanced and developed. POLYTRON will continue to prioritize innovation and creation in order to meet the needs of electric vehicles in Indonesia", concluded Tekno.

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