JAKARTA - There are still many who think that alternative tobacco products, such as e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products, have the same health risk or even greater than cigarettes.

In fact, alternative tobacco products have a much lower risk than cigarettes because they apply the concept of harm reduction (harm reduction) because they are not burned. Department of Occupational Safety and Health (K3) Lecturer of the Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga University (UNAIR), Shoim Hidayat, explained on the basis of a study of the literature review conducted by UNAIR, alternative tobacco products are able to reduce health risks compared to cigarettes because they have differences in hazardous and potentially dangerous chemical compounds (HPHC) as well as how they are used. Products that are the result of innovation development and such technology implement a heating system. As an example, heated tobacco products work by heating tobacco bars at temperatures below 350 degrees Celsius, resulting in vapor or aerosol, instead of smoke as in cigarettes. The resulting bribes of heated tobacco products do not contain solid particles. Not only that, because running a heating system, these products also do not produce ashes from combustion results so that they are much cleaner than smoking activities. Thanks to these heating systems, alternative tobacco products are able to reduce the risk of up to 90 percent - 95 percent for adult smokers who cannot stop smoking. So, if anyone still thinks this product is as dangerous as cigarettes, it is an error, Shoim said, who is also a toxicologist, Saturday 29 October, quoted by Antara. The remaining cigarette smoke consists of 5 percent of water, 4 percent nicotine, 3 percent glycol propylene, as well as other components, namely TAR, where there are many dangerous and potentially dangerous compounds. Based on data from the National Cancer Institute of the United States, TAR, which is the result of cigarette burning, contains a variety of carcinogenic compounds that can trigger cancer.

Of the approximately 7 thousand chemicals contained in cigarette smoke, 2 thousand of which are found in the TAR. As for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States, smoking has the potential to increase the risk of▁hubungantous heart disease and stroke by two to four times. By looking at the difference between steam and smoke, Shoim concluded that heated tobacco products have much lower HPHC compounds than cigarettes. These differences and conclusions must be well socialized and understood by the public in order to get accurate information about heated tobacco products," Shoim said. He continued, the government has a crucial role to disseminate information about alternative tobacco products to the public. In essence, this product has a lower hazard level than cigarettes. Such information must reach the ears of the public widely. But previously, this information must first reach the government because this information is the result of a scientific study, Shoim concluded.

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