JAKARTA - Google will stop supporting the Chrome browser service on the Windows 7 operating system (OS). This means that millions of PCs that still adopt the OS system can no longer access the Google Chrome page.

Quoting the Metro.uk page, Chrome's Technical Director, Max Christoff, said that this was a difficult decision for Google. Given that 20.93 percent of computers currently use Windows 7 OS.

"After assessing the current situation, and based on feedback from our valued corporate customers, Chrome is extending our support for Windows 7 to at least January 15, 2022," wrote Max in his blog post.

Google is not without reason, the technology giant argues because Microsoft itself no longer supports Windows 7 which was launched in 2009.

This means that anyone who is still using an older software system could put themselves at risk due to security vulnerabilities.

"It has been extended by 6 months from the date we previously communicated, which is July 15, 2021. We will continue to evaluate the conditions faced by our corporate customers, and communicate any additional changes in the future," he added.

Google advises users to upgrade to its newest operating system to Windows 10. So that laptop devices or PC computers can still use the Chrome browser page.

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