JAKARTA - Coda Indonesia, a top-up platform for various games, announced its new program, named #MainSehatBarengCoda, on Tuesday, October 11.

The aim of this program is to educate the entire community as well as esports players how to play healthy, balanced, safe, and productive games.

As a direct contribution to the development of games and esports ecosystems in Indonesia, Rerie Wuryandari as Director of External Relations of Coda Indonesia said that the health of Indonesian esports athletes is important to pay attention to.

"Coda Indonesia is also proud of the increase in the number of players and the achievement of the achievements of Indonesian esports athletes. However, no less important is also to maintain the health of Indonesian esports players so that they can continue to make achievements," said Rerie at a press conference on Tuesday, October 11 at Pondok Indah - Bintaro Hospital Jaya.

Showing his seriousness, Coda Indonesia cooperates with a sports medicine specialist who practices at the Sport Medicine Injury and Recovery Center (SMIRC) Pondok Indah - Bintaro Jaya Hospital, dr. Antonius Andi Kurniawan, Sp.KO for this program.

In addition, this program will also initiate scientific research esports medical & science regarding the health landscape of gamers in Indonesia which is expected to be the basis for the first scientific study in Indonesia in the field of esports.

Data dr. Andi noted that there were 10 complaints of most injuries experienced by esports players, including complaints on the fingers, hands, shoulders, neck. According to him, the increase in pain complaints among esports players was due to posture errors and game intensity.

In the #MainSehatBarengCoda program, dr. Andi has compiled a series of activity recommendations so that game players and esports can minimize injuries and potential damage to nerves in the future.

Every 30-60 minutes of the game, make sure the gamers take a minimum rest for 5 minutes. stretch on the chest, arms, palms of the hand to the fingers. In addition, pay attention to body posture when playing and don't forget to always warm up," said Andi.

He added, in addition to movement and rest, a healthy lifestyle must also be considered, starting from exercise to balanced eating patterns.

Coda Indonesia also cooperates with Pondok Indah Hospital - Bintaro Jaya, especially Sport Medicine, Injury, and Recovery Center (SMIRC) which will be a training ground for esports athletes who are injured and become a reference for injuries related to esports.

"In accordance with the spirit that SMIRC carries We take you back to sport, faster!, through this collaboration we want to be more active in providing education on preventing sports injuries and helping esport activists with complaints of injuries to be able to return to work and recover from injuries more quickly, said Pondok Indah Group Hospital Chief Executive Officer, dr. Yanwar Hadiyanto, MARS.

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