JAKARTA - The latest research evidence shows the presence of liquid water under Mars. This finding is a major breakthrough in the search for foreign life on the planet.

The researchers explained the discovery was the first proof of water under the surface of Mars, but that life on the Red Planet does not necessarily mean that life exists.

Chances are, that evidence could indicate Mars is a habitable planet if one day NASA will take its crew there.

In the study, researchers used lasers on spacecraft to identify minor changes in the altitude of the ice sheet on Mars.

They then compared those patterns to computer models predicting how water bodies below the ice sheet would change the surface, and found them suitable.

In addition, researchers also used radar to find data that suggests there may be water under the ice. But the findings were criticized by some people, and suggested radar data could be described in other ways.

Now these new findings are separate evidence that Mars actually has liquid water under its South Pole. Like Earth, Mars has a thick layer of water ice in both poles, roughly equivalent to the combined volume with Greenland's ice sheet.

The ice sheet on Earth is motivated by a channel filled with water and even a large subglacial lake, however, what is on Mars so far is considered solid frozen due to the cold Martian climate.

This research provides the best indication that there is liquid water on Mars right now because it means that two of the key evidence we will look for while searching for because subglasial lakes on Earth have now been found on Mars, said the author of a second study from the University of Sheffield, Dr Frances flower quoted from The Independent, Friday, September 30.

"Liquid water is an important element to life, although that doesn't mean that life exists on Mars."

Dr saja menjelaskan, agar menjadi cair pada suhu dingin seperti itu, air di bawah pulau Selatan Mars mungkin harus benar-benar asin, yang akan menyulitkan kehidupan mikroto untuk menghinduknya.

"It gives hope that there are environments that are more habitable in the past when the climate is less friendly", said Dr?

Earlier in 2018, researchers used the Mars Express radar from the European Space Agency (ESA) to see through the Martian ice sheet.

It was found that an area under the ice reflected a strong radar signal, the researchers at the time stated that this finding was evidence of liquid water.

But a series of studies emerged after that suggesting that other materials could reflect on them, and water tends to be the cause of reflection as it will require other heat sources to remain fluid.

As such, many scientists believe further evidence is needed to show it's actually water on Mars.

Research led by the University of Cambridge and involving scientists from the University of Sheffield and the Open University was published in Nature Astronomy today in the title, "The impact of subglastial water surface topography under Mars' southern polar ice sheet".

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