JAKARTA - Google released a new Android application called Online Insight Study. According to the application description on the Play Store, this Online Insight Study allows registered users to participate in market research.

Launching from 9to5google, a site attached to the Play Store listing explains that this application is a research project carried out by Google.

If you are willing to register and participate, Google will collect approved information about the ads you see and the sites you visit.

The collection of this information is intended to enable Google to develop measurement solutions that aim to improve the future of online advertising while prioritizing user privacy.

There are several advantages if you decide to enroll in Online Insight Study.

Eligible participants can earn points which can be redeemed for gift cards worth up to 10 US dollars (Rp) per month or 130 US dollars (Rp) per year with bonuses. Participants who register get a bonus award in points.

Google also says that they will not use the information collected for this research to report advertising campaigns to advertisers or to serve personalized ads to you.

According to Google Play, the Online Insight Study mobile app was released on August 16th. However, when VOI searched the Play Store, this application was not yet available in Indonesia.

It seems that users in Indonesia will still have to wait for some time to be able to see this application.

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