JAKARTA - The game Apex Legends on Xbox Series X/S doesn't seem to impress players much since developer Respawn Entertainment launched a major update on June 22.

Since then, according to Engadget's findings, many players have complained about lag issues that make this battle royale game slower to respond after the player presses a button.

Twitch streamer Reaiming shared a video where when he's playing, and pressing the trigger, the game doesn't respond immediately.

Recognizing this issue, the developer quickly took to Twitter to respond and fix the issue.

"We just pushed a minor update to (Apex Legends) to help address an issue with input lag on Xbox Series X and S consoles," the developer wrote on Twitter.

Recently, Electronic Arts (EA) and Respawn Entertainment held the inaugural roadshow of the Apex Legends Mobile game titled "Jagad Sandya Legenda" at M Bloc Space, South Jakarta, on June 30 - July 3, 2022.

The event featured eleven puppets that were not from conventional puppets, but characters from the Legends featured in the game.

The wayang designs were specially made by a comic artist and wayang connoisseur from Indonesia, Is Yuniarto.

The performance of "Jagad Sandya Legenda" brought together popular mobile games with futuristic technology nuances with Nusantara culture and the characteristics of Southeast Asian kingdoms such as Majapahit.

In addition to exhibiting dozens of specially made wayangs from the Apex Legends Mobile game, there are also contemporary leather puppet performances through story plays created and masterminded by Ki Bayu Aji Nugraha from the Bajran Gupita Art Studio, Yogyakarta, which tells the story of the struggles of Legends from Apex Legends Mobile against evil.

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