JAKARTA - Photographing objects is not as easy as imagined. Especially if the object being photographed is a living object such as an animal or a human.

Often you will also find that the image you take is not of a good resolution. You're bound to get annoyed when you've worked so hard to take a picture, but the result is blurry or blurry, and not what you expected.

But, don't worry, as technology develops, more and more tools or software are available on your computer or mobile phone that can help you solve this problem.

Here, VOI will demonstrate how to best enhance blurry images using computer software, online tools, and mobile apps.

Using Picverse (Windows and Mac)

Picverse is available for Mac and Windows. Picverse is a photo editing software that uses AI that will work quickly.

To fix blurry images with Picverse:

Open Picverse and add your photo. Choose File > Open and select your image from your computer. Find the Customize tab in the Tools panel on the right. You can select Automatic, and Picverse's AI technology will do its best to correct anything in the photo that it feels needs fixing. Or you can choose Manually, you edit the image with customizable tools. Scroll down to the Details tab. Increase the Sharpness slider. Now, move up the Details slider. This tool is like a little magic wand that enhances everything in a photo. If you want to add a final touch, scroll up to the AI Adjustments tab, click Upgrade, increase the slider to your liking, and hit Apply. Using Fotor (Browser)

Next, the photo editing tool that you can use in the browser is Fotor. You don't need to create an account to use the editor, but you do need one to save the results later, so go ahead and create an account, or sign in with your Google ID.

To correct a blurry image with Fotor:

Go to the Fotor website, and from the Get Quick Start tab, select Photo Editor. Click Upload photo, and you will be directed to the editor. Drag your image or click Open Image to select one from your device. Make sure you are on the Customize tab in the left pane. Go to Basic Adjust. Increase the Sharpness to your liking. Don't raise it too high, or your image will look grainy. Then increase the Contrast a little while you're still in Basic Adjustment. Using Remini (Mobile)

To edit photos on Android and iOS phones, you can use Remini. The AI technology on Remini is very powerful and can enhance almost anything, and fine-tune an entire composition, not just the main subject like some other AI enhancement tools.

To fix blurry images with Remini:

Open the app, and select a photo from the Recommended section. Otherwise, tap More Photos and find your picture in your photo album. A popup will appear. If you want to pay for the Pro version, tap the Enhance+ tab below. But you can do all this for free if you want to watch a 30 second ad. Just select the Enhance tab above. Tap on the little X Rewards tab given in the top corner once the ad is done. While the ad is playing, Remini does its magic in the background. You will be directed to a window with your results. Drag the slider with the small arrow to see the before and after. You can tap the second preview icon at the bottom to see the results up close. To download your photo, tap the small arrow icon in the top right and select Save.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)