JAKARTA - Amazon's retail store is currently scoring an unpleasant feat. Not because of sales of goods or services, but as many as 1.44 percent or 19,816 online shop workers tested positive for COVID-19.

The report comes after Amazon has long been demanded by various parties to carry out transparency regarding the number of employees infected with COVID-19. In fact, there are workers who are willing to be bait to get this information.

Because Amazon seems to always cover up health problems to the public, including COVID-19. Citing The Verge, Friday, October 2, based on these figures there are reports that say that 10 Amazon employees have died.

Amazon argues that the company carries out thousands of COVID-19 tests every day, with a target of 50,000 tests a day at 650 retail stores by November.

The company also says it has distributed more than 100 million face masks, carried out temperature checks and introduced improved cleaning procedures at its retail stores and warehouses.

Unfortunately, according to a report by workers at a warehouse in Indianapolis, Amazon's health checks were uneven. Even a number of warehouses and retail stores did not conduct social distancing during the period last May.

Not a few workers have sued the company's attitude for covering up cases of COVID-19. They claim that the working conditions there put them at risk of contracting COVID-19.

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