JAKARTA - The perpetrator of the suicide bombing that occurred at the Medan Police was suspected of using the online motorcycle taxi (ojol) attribute. Two online motorcycle taxi service providers, Grab and GoJek, strongly condemn the suicide bombing.

Gojek, through Chief Corporate Affairs, Nila Marita, expressed her deep condolences for the victims of the terror act. Gojek admitted that he was ready to coordinate with the police for the investigation process

However, Gojek was reluctant to comment further on the attributes of online motorcycle taxis used by the perpetrators. Gojek, according to Nila, condemned the acts of terror that took place at the Medan Police.

"Gojek strongly opposes all acts of anarchy and will give full support to the authorities' efforts to maintain public security," said Nila in a written statement received by VOI, Wednesday, November 13.

Meanwhile, President of Grab Indonesia, Ridzki Kramadibrata, in his official statement said that he had coordinated with the police regarding information about the perpetrator wearing the online motorcycle taxi attribute. Therefore, Grab is ready to assist the investigative process when asked by the police.

"Since knowing this information, we immediately coordinated with the relevant Police to provide full support in the process of further investigations," Ridzki said in his written statement.

Grab is also concerned about the events that have occurred. Grab also prayed for the recovery of the people affected by this incident.

Previously, it was reported that the bomb explosion at the Medan Police, Wednesday (13/11) at 08.45 WIB, was suspected to have been a suicide bombing carried out by a perpetrator wearing an online motorcycle taxi attribute. The incident injured four officers and two civilians.

The bomb exploded in the vicinity of the Medan Polrestabes canteen, not far from the location where the Police Record Certificate (SKCK) was processed. Now the police are still processing the crime scene.

From the information gathered, the perpetrator died after carrying out the action with the body destroyed by a suicide bombing. The Medan Polrestabes environment is now closed and the SKCK process has been transferred to another place.

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