JAKARTA - Google added a very useful feature for its users, especially those who take advantage of the Google Search feature to find the nearest health service.
Although generally Google Search is known as a search engine, Google now allows its users to make reservations for health services even though it is only available in the United States.
"We introduced a feature that can indicate availability for visits at health services so that users can easily make reservations. Whether for routine checks, moving to a new doctor, or indeed seeking health services on the same day," said Google Chief Health Officer Dr. Karen DeSalvo in her blog post, quoted on Sunday.
This feature can certainly help ordinary people who are confused to understand the health service registration system which is quite complex.
The presence of this feature is part of the progress of developing Google Search after going through preparations in the last few months.
Although it is only limited to Google's partner clinics, it is hoped that this feature can later be extended to other health services not only in the US but also to be released globally.
In addition to supporting updates related to health service searches, which have recently become a priority, Google Search previously also updated the "History" feature.
Search brings search trace removal service in the last 15 minutes.
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