JAKARTA - Since being operated 20 years ago, Wikipedia has become a reference for various information on the internet. Now, after a decade, the Wikipedia site will get a fresh change of appearance.

This display update will make it easier for users to access information from Wikipedia. Not only that, the Wikipedia site will also add a number of new features in the information search process.

"We think it's time to take some of these ideas and bring them to the default experience of all users, across all Wiki, in an orderly and consistent manner," the Wikipedia Foundation said as quoted by The Verge, Thursday, September 24.

It is undeniable that Wikipedia has been a source of information that is widely accessed by people around the world for nearly two decades. This site is often a reference for information for millions of people every day.

Display of the wikipedia site to be updated (doc. Wikimedia)

During those two decades, the site has grown to include 53 million articles in 300 different languages. Later Wikipedia updates will include improvements to the widget and content search navigation.

"Over the next few years, the Readers web team is researching and building on improving desktop experiences based on existing research and tools," wrote Wikipedia in its latest post on mediawiki.org.

The Wikimedia Foundation, the site's parent company, announced in an official blog post that each change would not take place all at once. But it will be done gradually over a long period of time.

Change in appearance of Wikipedia (doc. Wikimedia)

Where the company plans to release the final display of the Wikipedia site by the end of 2021. However, it is not clear whether this display update will also include the mobile version of Wikipedia or not.

To see how the Wikipedia Foundation has made changes to its appearance. On the site, users will be given directions in the form of an animated GIF to show what the latest Wikipedia looks like, which is said to contain positive reviews and is more comfortable to use.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)