JAKARTA - Hoopa and Duraludon will soon be released on Pokemon Unite. These two new pokemon were confirmed on the Pokemon Presents livestream.

Hoopa can be obtained for free from the Pokemon Day 2022 event, while Duraludon will be released after.

Pokemon Day 2022 takes place from dark February 27 to March 14, 2022. Players must complete all quests given during the event to get a Hoopa license for free.

Hoopa has the ability to move his partner, to another place on the map. While Duraludon has an AOE attack power with a very wide range.

Before using an AOE attack, players hold back before using the Duraludon ability.

However, players still have to wait for the release of these two pokemon. Because until now there has been no news regarding the exact date of Duraludon being released.

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