JAKARTA – Indonesia will officially host the 20th Youth Summit in 2022 which will be held in Jakarta and Bandung in July. According to the chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, this opportunity must be used to increase digital technology capabilities for Indonesia's younger generation.

LaNyalla hopes that the younger generation will gain more knowledge and can use it for the community, nation and state.

"The Youth 20 Summit is a valuable momentum so it must be utilized properly by Indonesia, especially the younger generation. Because there are many things that can be absorbed and adopted which can then be applied in various fields according to developing technology," said LaNyalla, Sunday (30/1/2022). ).

The involvement of young people who set up start-up companies as delegates at the 20th Youth Summit, according to LaNyalla, is also very appropriate. This is because the increasing trend of start-ups and unicorns in Indonesia must be followed by digital technology skills.

"I see a new climate will be formed with the involvement of youth at this summit. We need strong youth, who master digital technology, because the industrial revolution will always be related to technological developments. So we must be able to adapt technology to every field related to the world. work," he said.

According to LaNyalla, Indonesia also has many and potential human resources. From the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2020 generation Z is 27.94 percent and millennials are 25.87 percent.

"This age is a productive age which can be an opportunity to accelerate economic growth. So this potential must be directed properly," he said again.

Even so, in digital technology, LaNyalla asked the Government to prepare the infrastructure so that the great potential of Indonesian young people is channeled properly.

"Digital technology infrastructure must be built evenly and widely. Not only in western Indonesia but also throughout the eastern region. So that we become players and become an important part of the world's future," he continued.

The Youth 20 Summit is a forum for future young leaders from all G20 member countries to discuss and exchange ideas to reach a common agreement regarding the agenda of the G20 Presidency.

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