JAKARTA - Sultan Gustaf Al Ghozali alias Ghozali Everyday is rumored to be issuing non-fungible tokens (NFT) in 3D (3D) form. He conveyed this during an interview with the Editor-in-Chief of Blockchainmedia.id Vinsensius Sitepu on the YouTube channel It's Time to Invest Bitcoin (WIB), last Saturday (15/1).

The student from Semarang was successful in gaining billions of rupiah in profit thanks to his NFT business in the form of 933 selfies in the OpenSea marketplace. Ghozali revealed that he plans to make a 3D NFT.

"I intend to make an NFT that is different from my previous selfie NFT, namely an NFT that represents a 3-dimensional styled image," said the 22-year-old youth.

However, Ghozali did not want to reveal further about what kind of image would be used as an NFT. Furthermore, Ghozali will not publish the 3D NFT in the near future. He explained that he would prepare for it after graduating from college. Currently, the young man is in his 7th semester at Universitah Dian Nusantoro, Semarang.

The Ghozali Phenomenon and Billions of Revenue Through NFT

It is undeniable that Ghozali Everyday is a phenomenon in NFT's business activities. Previously, there had never been NFT in the form of someone's selfie. The man was neither a celebrity nor an artist, nor a famous person.

The magnitude of Ghozali was strengthened by the mass media coverage from within and outside the country. This includes his interview with Deddy Corbuzier on Deddy's YouTube channel, 17 January.

With billions in revenue in a short period of time, he has practically outperformed other, even, more senior NFT creators.

This phenomenon is increasingly causing a stir, because digital works that use blockchain technology are only in the form of selfies of themselves. However, the high value of Ghozali's NFT products is due to his persistence in collecting selfies for 5 years, from 2017 to 2021.

Just for fun

Based on his confession in a video on the WIB YouTube channel, it started as an experiment while having fun knowing how NFT works. He also revealed that the photos would be made into a time lapse video.

"I didn't really expect it. Because all the photos will actually be made into a time lapse video. However, I finally decided to publish their respective NFTs on OpenSea and find out if the market is looking at them,” he said.

Ghozali did not expect his experiment to be well received by the market. His NFT is included in the rare category, because it is in the form of a photo of him who is an ordinary young man and not a nobody.

The young man made sure that his crypto experiments and adventures were often promoted on social media, including forums related to NFT in Indonesia. As a result, Ghozali made billions in profits, sparking many people to sell NFTs similar to his own. In fact, hijacking his photo to make a different NFT.

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