JAKARTA - WhatsApp is reportedly testing a new notification option for message reactions. Continuing the test of the message reaction feature that was previously done last year.

According to a report by WABetaInfo, one of the websites that often share news about WhatsApp, a new reaction notification feature has appeared under WhatsApp's notification settings.

This feature will later appear in the latest beta version 22.2.72 on iOS first. Users can enable or disable these reactions in their notifications.

Since it has already been spotted by iOS beta users, the feature could arrive to the main version in the near future if it is met with positive reactions from users. However, users can't react to messages yet, only operate notifications.

Launching Digital Trends, Sunday, January 16, this notification option is a follow-up to WhatsApp's message reaction feature, which was developed in November 2021. This feature allows users to react to messages using a specific set of emojis instead of text messages.

Seeing as WhatsApp is testing its notification options, it's very likely that the message reaction feature will also appear in the near future. This feature was likely adopted to catch up with rival app, Apple's iMessage. which was launched in late 2016. However, it is not yet known when this change will appear in the Beta version of Android.

For your information, WhatsApp also routinely carried out a series of major innovations to its messaging service in 2021, including multi-device adaptability and end-to-end encryption for online backups.

It was recently reported that WhatsApp will launch a feature to hide online status. Online Status itself cannot be hidden or removed by users since WhatsApp was released.

User can only hide Last Seen and Online history. Unfortunately, WABetaInfo, who was the first to report this feature, has yet to be sure when the company will officially launch it.

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