JAKARTA – Elections in South Korea will be held in March 2022. Presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung who was promoted by the Democratic party last October is rumored to be accepting donations in cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Ethereum, as reported by The Korea Times.

Holders of both cryptocurrencies can contribute to support Lee's campaign. Later, all BTC and ETH donations will be converted into cash with the help of local exchanges.

In addition, those who donate BTC and ETH to Lee's campaign will receive NFT photos of candidates with their campaign programs. Giving NFT as a thank you to crypto donors. This made the former governor of Gyunggi province the first presidential candidate in history to launch the NFT.

The act of accepting crypto donations is Lee's attempt to win over voters from the younger generation. Because cryptocurrency and NFT are booming among the younger generation. Based on survey data published in November 40.5 percent of respondents aged 20 and 40 said they had invested in cryptocurrencies.

Some time ago, Lee said that he wanted South Korea to become a leader in the global cryptocurrency field. He describes crypto as β€œan undeniable reality.” Lee made this statement while giving a lecture at Seoul National University.

In addition, the Democratic presidential candidate supports the postponement of the crypto tax until next year. He also promised to work towards reducing cryptocurrency taxes.

According to the latest pre-election poll, published on January 1, it showed that Lee was 4.6 percent ahead of his rival Yoon Suk-yeol, who was promoted by the People's Power Party. Presidential elections will be held on March 9, 2022.

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