JAKARTA - Elon Musk's plan to send humans to Mars, in the next five to 10 years, is not just showing off his skills. However, he predicted that the Earth would get hotter and hotter.

"Too hot for life (in about 500 million years), it's wise for us to act quickly. Just in case," Musk said.

30, Musk outlined his vision for life on Mars that includes self-sufficient colonies, equipped with solar-powered hydroponic farms underground or in closed environments to grow food.

Musk has already started testing prototypes of the Starship rocket but the company is still working on refining the rocket design and reducing the projected price of a trip to Mars.

"There's a certain cost per tonne to get to the surface of Mars where we can afford to build a self-sufficient city, and on top of that we can't afford it. Right now you can't fly to Mars for a trillion dollars. No money can get you a ticket. to Mars," Musk said.

Recently, it was reported that SpaceX was facing financial problems in connection with the development of the Raptor engine that powers the Starship. Musk himself admits that his company has experienced this.

"We run a real risk of bankruptcy if we don't reach Starship flight levels at least once every two weeks next year," Musk said.

Lastly, the billionaire believes that terraforming, ie exploding a planet with nuclear weapons at its poles causing the ice sheets to melt and causing accelerated warming, will be a key component to life on other planets.

“Life in a glass dome in the beginning. Eventually terraformed to support life, like Earth. Terraforming will be too slow to become relevant in our lives," Musk said.

"However, we can build a human base there in our lifetime. At least future extraterrestrial civilizations, finding our ruins will impress humans to that extent," he added.

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