JAKARTA – Former US President Donald Trump has revealed that he does not like cryptocurrencies and only wants dollars as currency. Trump made this statement in an interview with Fox Business.

New York and Miami reportedly include cryptocurrencies in their financial systems. When Trump was asked what he thought about crypto, he admitted that he wasn't a big fan of crypto.

“Well, I never liked it (crypto) because I love having dollars. I think the currency should be dollars so I've never been a big fan. But it (crypto) is getting bigger and bigger, and nobody's doing anything about it," said former United States President Donald Trump as quoted by Bitcoin.com News.

"Listen, I want a currency called dollars," he insisted.

Until now Trump said he was not interested in cryptocurrencies. According to him crypto will erupt and disappear one day. Because something like this has never happened. He considered cryptocurrencies very dangerous.

“I don't want to have all this other stuff, and it could be a blast one day—things like we've never seen. This will make the big tech boom seem like baby stuff. I think it's a very dangerous thing," he added.

Trump is an anti-crypto. In August, he said that crypto would only lead to disaster. Then in June, Trump again issued his anti-crypto statement saying Bitcoin was a scam.

When he was asked about his wife Melania Trump selling a non-fungible token (NFT) digital artwork titled “Melania's Vision” on the newly released NFT platform. Trump said his wife did an extraordinary job and had a great imagination.

“He will do great things… He has a great imagination. And people love our former first lady, I can tell you that. They really like him, they love him."

Discussing Trump's social media platform Truth Social, he stated that "it's going to be huge." Trump previously made clear that the new platform would be an alternative to Silicon Valley internet companies that he says are biased against him and other conservative voices. He plans to launch Truth Social nationwide early next year.

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