JAKARTA - Aviation Observer and Ombudsman member, Alvin Lie, sued PT Indosat Tbk and the Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G Plate, to the Central Jakarta District Court. It's because he often got a midnight advertisement via SMS. 

Through his attorney, David Tobing, he has registered the lawsuit with case number 464/Pdt.G/2020/PN JKT.Pst on August 14. David explained that the ad messages were at an inappropriate time.

"Indosat repeatedly sent annoying short messages/SMS offers to the Plaintiff. In which, the advertisements were sent at unreasonable times. Namely, when they came home from work, rest hours, and holidays between 18.00–02.30 WIB," David said in a written statement received by VOI, Saturday, August 15.

According to David, his client had submitted his complaint via Twitter. He mentioned the @IndosatCare account on February 26. But at that time, the admin operator only apologized and promised to evaluate the service.

After filing a complaint, the ad SMS had stopped for several days. However, it appeared again repeatedly and massively. Alvin complained again to Indosat in March-August 2020, both through social media and customer care.

"My comfort as a consumer is very disturbed. The Indosat SMS advertisements were in the early hours of the morning. When I come home from work, rest hours and my holidays," said David.

As a consumer, Alvin revealed that he has the right to get comfort and safety in using Indosat's services. It's regulated in Article 4 of the Consumer Protection Law. As a result of the massive and repeated advertising offers, Indosat is assumed to have violated Article 15 of the Consumer Protection Law.

"In offering goods and/or services, business actors are prohibited from using coercion or other means that can cause both physical and psychological harm to consumers. "

Not only that, but Indosat is also deemed to have violated Article 23 paragraph 2 letters a and b Permenkominfo No. 9 of 2017 concerning Providing Content Providing Services on Cellular Mobile Networks (Permenkominfo) because Indosat's actions violate privacy and are an annoying offer.

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