JAKARTA - Google has reportedly taken pity on Android users who regularly chat with iPhone owners asking its Messages app to "translate" iMessage-exclusive reactions to basic emoji.

Apple allows iMessage users to respond to incoming messages with various "reactions" by long-pressing on the message and then selecting from several predefined symbols such as a heart, thumb, or the like. However this reaction is not shown to Android users; instead they are sent a plain text description of the response along with the message being responded to.

9to5Google reports that Google changed it with a new version of Google Messages. Now the app will automatically take the iMessage reaction and convert it to an emoji that displays right next to the relevant message along with a note that it is "Translated from iPhone." It can automatically update the displayed emoji if the iMessage user sends a new reaction as well.

Google previously updated Messenger to include reactions, but only if everyone involved had the Chat feature enabled. (Though considering a fallback description for iPhone users.)

The addition helps clean up message threads; now cross platform threads will be just as neat. Assuming, of course, that this feature made it out of this beta version of Messenger.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)