JAKARTA - Hackers who recently hacked the State Cyber and Code Agency (BSSN) website are now breaking into the police data and sharing a number of personal data of members of the police on Twitter social media.

The Brazil-based hacker with the pseudonym son1x tweeted on his Twitter account @son1x666 that he claimed to have obtained 28 thousand personal data of members of the police. The data includes violations committed by members of the National Police, name, complete address, rank, work unit, date of birth, type of violation, cellphone number, and email.

In a file uploaded by son1x, he revealed various violations committed by members of the police, including three generals namely Brigadier General Sutrisno who served in the Head of the Division of Ropal Slog of the National Police (Polri), Brigadier General Muhammad Ikhsan at the National Police Education and Training Center, and Brigadier General Eriadi at Pati Security Guard (Baharkam) of Polri.

"This data leak includes personal data information and credentials of members of the National Police and the people involved with them," said son1x.

Meanwhile, exclusively to VOI, son1x did state that they had breached this data. But what was surprising was when he admitted that he was asked by people from Indonesia. Following is Son1x's interview with Tachta Citra Elfira, from VOI, via a messaging app.

Son1x: Bro, I did another hack on the Indonesian national police.

VOI: Wow, what are you looking for this time? Is Indonesia doing it again with your country?

They didn't do anything this time. I did this because it was Indonesians who asked me to help them. Because he doesn't like how the government and the police organize things.

You're doing this because Indonesians asked? Because of what case? What's with this? Can you get their personal data?

I have seen that Indonesians protest their government, I have seen police use violence against protesters so I decided to help by targeting Indonesian police servers. Yes, personal information and credentials of police workers. I hacked some police servers and dumped their databases.

Do they tell about cases that happened in Indonesia? Which website did you hack? Is there an address?

Yep, I'm planning to do a lot more on their network so I can't release it right now haha. For today I will try to private one of their network. So I can download more data.

And can you tell me too? What cases did Indonesians tell you about?

Son1x: I can't bro, sorry :(( I can't tell you the address either because they will fix the vulnerability and remove my backdoor ahah. But I think I can send you a screenshot of the shell. I have some servers from them. This one is one database. I have another one haha.

You get privacy data from the Profession and Security Division (Propam) of Polri dude? But not hack the website?

Son1x: I also hacked their servers. This is a webshell (sending screenshots). I still have access to it https://ghostbin.com/1q26R/raw, it's a database dump. You can check their personal information there.

VOI further inquired whether Son1x had been contacted by the Police or related parties, but had not yet received a response. The next update will be presented in this article.

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