JAKARTA - The presence of employees is one of the important information that is used as one of the guidelines for the development of a company. Information regarding the presence and delay of employees of the company monitors the performance of each employee.

When an error occurs in the calculation of attendance data, employees may get an inappropriate salary. This of course can trigger misunderstandings between the company and employees. Therefore, companies, especially personnel, need to record employee attendance carefully and thoroughly. To minimize the occurrence of human error, sometimes companies use online attendance applications. Here are the five most popular types of attendance machines in Indonesia that can make it easier to record employee attendance.

1. Manual Attendance Machine

The manual attendance machine is one of the first types of machines used by the company since approximately two centuries ago, generally this machine is also commonly referred to as a "ceklok" machine by many people. This attendance uses an almano machine or an attendance machine with a check system, so employees who want to fill in the attendance card must enter the attendance card into the almano machine, and the attendance card will automatically print the employee's attendance or return hours according to office hours. This attendance card is easy to use, besides that employees or workers cannot write when they attend or go home at will, the payroll department will be a little helped when recapitulating workers' attendance hours, because it is neater and easier to see.

2. Fingerprint Time Attendance Machine

As the name implies, this attendance uses fingerprints to detect the presence of employees. This attendance machine is in great demand by every company because it is very easy to use, employees simply stick their finger on the sensor on this machine, then the attendance will be recorded automatically.

3. Magnetic Card Attendance Machine

This machine is a combination of a digital attendance machine and a manual card attendance machine. The magnetic card attendance machine has been in use for a long time. Attendance activities using this machine are quite easy, employees only need to swipe or tap their cards on the available machines, this shows that using this attendance machine is simpler because employees only need to swipe their cards or ID cards.

4. Biometric Time Attendance Machine

Biometric technology is used to measure and analyze personal characteristics, both physical and behavioral. These characteristics include fingerprints, voice patterns, hand size, eyes and more, all of which are used to identify human characteristics and to verify their respective identities. Due to these factors, the biometric attendance machine was created.

An attendance system with a fingerprint system is also a form of biometric attendance, but actually a biometric attendance system is more specific than just a fingerprint. Biometric technology allows machines to more specifically detect various human characteristics such as face, voice, and human eyes.

5. Online Attendance Application Machine

The development of online attendance applications is one of the important breakthroughs in the field of technology. This kind of attendance application allows attendance data to be stored in a cloud-based database. Through the company, there is no need to provide a special attendance device in order to record employee attendance every day.

Companies only need to create a special account that can be managed by the admin. In addition, each employee can also create a special account that is used to record daily attendance. Attendance with an online attendance application also allows employees to register their attendance when doing work outside the office. Employees only need to take photos of themselves at certain locations that have been agreed upon by the company. This means that employees do not need to attend directly in the office, for example when employees have assignments outside the office.

The selection of the use of the employee attendance system at the company certainly aims to facilitate the recording of employee attendance data and help all difficulties related to attendance which aims to prevent errors in recording employee attendance.

As HR, the company must ensure that the company chooses the best attendance system or service to support this goal, especially with the current development of technology and information that is fast-paced and easily accessible. One of the best attendance services that can be a company solution is Talenta, a presence service using mobile, online, and facial biometrics.

Talenta service is also equipped with an attendance recording feature that can be done wherever the location has been determined with the help of the gps feature. This feature is very helpful for employees later, especially employees who tend to work cannot be present in the office or mobile. So how to convey the difficulties you are experiencing related to employee attendance, you can go to our website page and via live chat in the lower right corner.

Which is the Right Attendance Model to Track Work Hours Data

At Talenta we empower mobile devices as a tool to retrieve employee hours data. In addition to improving integration capabilities, reducing fraud and of course creating a better experience in using mobile devices. Of course we believe that mobile technology plus facial pattern recognition is the best method for tracking time attendance. Why can we conclude like that?

1. Doing the attendance process is tedious

How often do leaders or managers have to remind employees to take attendance on certain days? How often does the personnel or HR department have trouble keeping track of the absence time of everyone in an organization? Keeping track of everyone's working time is a very tedious job for employees & supervisors. Especially when the digital attendance system often requires manual entry, making it vulnerable to entry errors.

2. Complete

Talent is a sustainable solution. It's not just about data recorders. All things from A -Z such as employee master data, working hours master data, or working hours transaction data are available here. You just need to sit still. If you accommodate a system from a particular device that you buy in the market may have included a simple application to set it up. But of course it's not online yet. The connection required for real-time supervision must also be special.

3. Fraud aka Leave Absence

How far can you monitor the fingerprint register data in your database? Could it be person A's thumb or B's klingking. Talent has a unique feature in enrollment and supervision of sample validation, facial patterns may have been stored in binary data, but we can still display a sample face of each registered person, even perform automatic elimination on faces that bear no resemblance to the initial sample. We've taken all of that into account.

4. Mobility & Flexibility

Talent DataCapture allows you to move around, but of course you can also install a kiosk model by adding a wall bracket for your tablet or smartphone. The touch is only for entry and exit options and pin input, the rest is the system that works. How often does the personnel or HR department find it difficult to track the time attendance of everyone in an organization? Keeping track of everyone's working time is a very tedious job for employees & supervisors.

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