JAKARTA - Spain has adopted a directive on the European Union's copyright law that allows third-party online news platforms to negotiate directly with content providers, the Spanish government said on Tuesday, November 2. This decision is like setting the stage for Alphabet's Google News to return to the country.

Google News, which links to third-party content, was forced to shut down in Spain in late 2014 in response to a law that forced it to pay a collective license fee to republish news headlines or news snippets.

EU law, which all member states must adopt, requires platforms like Google, Facebook and others to share revenue with publishers but also removes collective fees and allows them to reach individual or group agreements with publishers.

Google said it wanted to bring its news service back to Spain but would analyze the law carefully before making a firm commitment.

"Based on preliminary information ... conditions look promising for a potential launch of Google News in Spain. However, we will need to look at the final legislation before making a formal announcement," a spokesperson said in an email.

Spain's Ministry of Culture said the new law brings national copyright laws into step with the digital environment and will help artists and creators to receive fair remuneration for their work.

Arsenio Escolar, chairman of the publisher association CLABE, which groups around 1,000 news outlets including leading digital brands such as El Espanol and Eldiario.es, said he was pleased with the new law.

"We are satisfied that media publishers have regained control of our rights management, hijacked several years ago by laws that we at CLABE have always considered unfair and dangerous," he said in an email to partners.

Reuters reported in February that several publishers represented by the AMI media association, most of whom represented the old custodians of traditional media, were in favor of keeping the old system. AMI declined to comment on the matter.

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