JAKARTA - General Chairperson (Ketum) of the Central Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) Marciano Norman said that development in the sports sector in all regions was starting to spread and was proven by no single region dominating the Papua National Sports Week (PON) match.

“It is true that this PON has been postponed by one year so there must be adjustments made by the coaches regarding the peak performance of each athlete. This shows that the achievement sports development carried out by each province can be seen here," Marciano said, as quoted by Antara, Thursday.

Marciano also appreciated regional sports management including coaches and related parties who were able to prepare their athletes to take part in every event, even though the atmosphere was still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, not only in Indonesia, but also throughout the world.

“They were programmed to perform in October 2020. But it was delayed by a year. I think the coaches understand that very well, they made the necessary adjustments and the athletes are now doing well," Marciano added.

One indicator of success in terms of achievement, said Marciano, is the creation of PON records, nationally and even worldwide. In total there are 60 new records consisting of 3 world records, 19 national and 38 PON records.

The junior world record was set in the sport of weightlifting. National records were set in several branches including athletics, weightlifting and swimming. While the PON record occurred in athletics, weightlifting, diving, and swimming.

Regarding the handling of COVID-19, the General Chair of the Central KONI also expressed his appreciation to all parties who were able to handle it quickly and swiftly. The condition of the world, including Indonesia, which is still in the midst of a pandemic, the spread of the virus is something that cannot be avoided.

But the most important thing is how all sectors move swiftly to take action. Moreover, the President has ordered not to be careless about COVID-19.

"So that when they come to watch the match at the venues that have been determined, first he has at least been vaccinated so that the potential for exposure to our athletes and officials is also small," Marciano emphasized.

On this occasion Marciano reiterated that the XX Papua PON is a unifying arena for the nation. Not a few doubted that the implementation of this event took place safely and smoothly.

The former Head of BIN also gave high appreciation to the Papuan Regional Police Chief (Kapolda), the Cenderawasih Military Command Commander (Pangdam), and all related parties, including community leaders.

“Alhamdulillah, the cooperation that has been established is very good and the conditions created are also relatively good. The Papuan people are very friendly, which shows that the Papuan PON is not only the pride of the Papuans, but also the pride of the Indonesian people," concluded Marciano.

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