Starting Block At The Tokyo Olympics Is Different From The One Used In Indonesia, Zohri: Makes Enthusiasm, Like A Challenge
Then Muhammad Zohri (Doc. NOC Indonesia)

JAKARTA - Indonesian male sprinter Lalu Muhammad Zohri used his time at the Tokyo Olympics to adapt to the starting block at the Olympic Stadium. The Finland 2018 U-20 World Champion of Athletics will play in the men's 100 m on 31 July.

Zohri explained that the startblock in Tokyo is different from the one used during training in Indonesia. Even so, Zohri did not see this as an obstacle.

"I've only competed with a starting block like this once. This actually made me excited, like a challenge," said Zohri after training, launching an official statement from NOC Indonesia, Thursday, July 29.

Last May, Zohri had a chance to try out the Olympic Stadium when he took part in the Tokyo Olympics test event. However, he could only occupy the seventh position with a record time of 10.45 seconds in the final. The incision is slower than when he went down in the first round with 10.34 seconds.

This time, Zohri targets himself to be the first Indonesian sprinter to run in under 10 seconds. For information, Zohri's best time was 10.03 seconds, which was created in the 2019 Osaka Golden Grand Prix series. This achievement also catapulted him to the 32nd edition of the Summer Olympics.

“My current condition is healthy and fit. There is also no problem with the knee condition," said Zohri, who had gone up to the operating table due to a knee injury in November 2020.

In April 2021, Zohri returned to the athletic track. He started doing light exercise. However, seeing the good condition of the athlete who was born in Lombok, July 1, 2000, it is not impossible to reach the semifinals.

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