JAKARTA - Persiraja Banda Aceh player from Japan Shori Murata said Aceh's coffee was the best in the world.

In the club's official website reported by Antara, Wednesday, July 28, Murata admitted that he had been a coffee connoisseur for 10 years.

Coming from Japan, which is more famous for its tea, he admits that he enjoys coffee more than tea.

"You know, I've been a coffee lover since 10 years ago. Acehnese coffee is the best coffee in the world."

"Drinking tea is like breathing there (Japan). But, for me, coffee is better," said Murata.

In addition, Murata also has a habit of drinking coffee before exercise because according to him the caffeine contained in coffee can help him in training.

“Before training, I always drink coffee. Caffeine helps me during training,” explains Murata.

This midfielder came to Persiraja last June and will fill the slot for Asian players in the Laskar Rencong squad.

Currently, Murata is in Banda Aceh and is still waiting for the competition, which is planned to be held again when he gets approval from the relevant parties.

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