JAKARTA - The Indonesian government has established a new normality policy in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak. This means that all activities will resume running, including sports.

All activities can be carried out in compliance with health protocols. Currently, the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) is preparing a protocol that will become the government's recommendation.

KOI emphasized that this health protocol will refer to the rules set by the World Health Organization (WHO).

To compile the health protocol, KOI also asked for input from each sport (sports). Later, the input will be compiled and categorized so that it becomes an official recommendation from KOI to the government.

"At the latest two weeks," said the Chairman of the KOI, Raja Sapta Oktohari, after the Extraordinary Member Meeting (RALB) in Jakarta, Monday.

Five sports have provided input orally at the meeting. These include athletics, archery and taekwondo. What was the input, KOI was reluctant to talk.

According to Raja Okto, the protocols that will be drawn up are not merely a reference for the implementation of the training. However, it is also a guideline when participating in championships and when hosting tournaments.

Apart from KOI, the Ministry of Youth and Sports is also drafting health protocols. This is to accommodate the acceleration of the national training camp to face heavy sports activities in 2021.

Kemenpora will coordinate with the Coordinating Ministry for Human Empowerment and Culture, the Ministry of Health and the COVID-19 Task Force. The concept of the protocol is a training center that includes virtual independent training or isolated training with strict restrictions.

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